I walk through the days, holding tight to my faith, yet my heart is heavy. I sat silently in my big comfy chair, thoughts about my homework, the articles Im behind on, the things I need to do, and felt very stressed. The though that I should call my dad popped in to my mind, and for a brief second, I smiled. The came the gipping feeling in my heart, realizing I cant call him, or emial him. I cant see him, speak to him or anything else.
This birthday he wont being calling me to sing happy birthday as he has for many years. Just when I think Im over the hump, reality hits me again and I cry.
He was my freind, my confidant, my strength. He was laughter, and love, smiles and funny faces, he was my light when I felt alone in the dark. He was...... yes he was. Its amazing how many things remind me of Dad and Mom..... a song, a picture, a smell.... Its also amazing how the love goes on and on.
I am blessed beyond explainantion to have loved and been loved by such wonderfull parents for so long. I am thankful.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Posted by Katt at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Posted by Katt at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Well, I have decided to come back to blogging. I stopped because I didnt really know what I truly wanted to blog about and now I know.
My pastor said something a couple of weeks ago that stayed in my mind and I mulled it over and over. He said "I stand in front of you and deliver the word God gives me, but people think just because I am a pastor and I stand up here that I am perfect, that I should never make mistakes or have faults. I am just a man, he went on to say. I have faults and failures, I make mistakes and have to repent."
I considered this and thought about all the people I know who are Christians, and come across like they never go through trials or tribulations. You never hear them talk about thier failures and things they do wrong or struggle with. I believe that it is our responsiblity to share with each other those things, to talk about the times we do "Stupid" and how God brings us through them, in order to encourage others going through the same thing.
So.... this is my goal for my blog. To be as real as I can possibly be, to be transparent and to hold nothing back. I am a woman of God, but I am no where near perfect. I make many mistakes, I have bad attitudes and do "stupid" more than I should.
I thank God, however, that I am a work in progress, that he is not giving up on me, and that is mercy toward me is new every morning.
Posted by Katt at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Heart of a Mother
I look for memories, the warmth of a smile, the security of an
embrace or the sound of laughter. Gathering these thoughts
around me I console myself in them like a blanket.
Posted by Katt at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Death to Life
Posted by Katt at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Of My Love
It is a bitter sweet knowing that one day you will leave my arms, and that I will hold you again only in my heart and my thoughts. No master poet, man nor woman could ever pen the love that I hold for you. There is no understanding of the bond that comes when someone so tiny, so precious and so gentle lies on your shoulder and trust you with thier world.
Posted by Katt at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Dusty Roads
The long forgotten rooster wakes us at dawn, I sit down to breakfast, savoring once again the taste of grandmothers apricot preserves. I can see her wrinkled hands and time worn face with eyes that sparkle with a hint of mischievousness.
It is a long dusty road I tread with stops along the way. Some are filled with joy and laughter, others with regret and tears. I go back often however, because somewhere along my journey I find once again Friends, places and family from years gone by.
Posted by Katt at 8:40 PM 0 comments